So What, I Bought a T-Shirt

50 shades of grey…

I finally decided to buy a new white T-shirt. It’s one of those things that’s nearly impossible to thrift, especially in the limited plus size section at most thrift stores. And I feel I’ve paid my dues in trying to salvage the old ones. First I pulled the old Gap Factory ones out of storage. They were worn out and see-through, so I doubled them up. I’ve been wearing the two shirts layered like this for a while, but I think I’ve finally come to the point where they’re just too worn and dumpy looking to wear. They’re still a bit see-through, even with two of them on, and I’m just not comfortable with my skin (and my bra) showing through.

And then there was the DIY with an old LOFT swing tee. This one had yellow pit stains, but they weren’t too noticeable. It was otherwise in good shape. But I hated the shape- short in front, long in back. So I put elastic through the hem of the shirt, attempting to create a blouson effect. This actually kind of worked, but the real problem was how short the shirt was in front. I wore it a few times with the elastic in and just kept feeling like my belly was too close to being exposed.

So, with a month-long trip to Germany coming up, I decided to just give it up and buy a new T-shirt. I ordered the very same ASOS T-shirt that came in the 3-pack with my black and grey ones (you can buy them individually for $9.50 plus $4.99 with shipping). If you’ve been reading along for a while now, you’ll remember the White T-Shirt Disaster with the original one. I wore it with some very fancy deodorant from Dr. Hauschka (the rose-scented one) and it left huge grey stains all over the armpit area. The stains were very noticeable, so the T-shirt was destined for the rag pile. It may seem strange that I’ve ultimately decided to just replace it with the identical one, but I’m no longer using that deodorant for fear of it ruining other shirts. I’ve been using a standard anti-perspirant deodorant (with aluminum in it) that works a lot better anyway. And that particular white T-shirt is just so good. It’s thick enough that it’s not see-through at all, and it’s nice and soft and has a high (but not too tight) neckline. It’s kind of an athletic look, which I’m really favoring right now when worn with my joggers and Adidas sneakers.

And speaking of Adidas sneakers, I accidentally bought a back-up pair of identical sneakers at TJ Maxx yesterday. I was only there because my husband needed a 3-pack of Calvin Klein crewnecks, but at the last minute I decided to look at the underwear. I have 9 pairs, but if we’re strictly doing laundry once a week while we’re in Germany, I guess a couple extra pairs would help get me through. With working out 6 days a week, plus walking around in the sun, I sometimes go through 2 pairs a day, so I justified the purchase in my mind. They didn’t have anything in my size, but as I was walking towards the underwear section, something in the shoe section caught my eye: a pair of identical-to mine, black and white striped Adidas faux-Superstars. They don’t have the official rubber clamshell at the toe, and I can verify that they fit quite differently than the real from-the-Adidas-website sneakers. I’ve been wearing the ones I already had pretty frequently lately, though quite gingerly, for fear of getting them dirty or wearing them out too quickly (they’re not particularly well-made). And so a second pair has been on my mind, as back-up for when mine wear out. I first went on a “quest” with my mom to a nearby store, then with my husband back to the original store, then to another, and finally to one more. Four stores and no luck in my size. And then just walking by the size 8 section of the shoes back at the original store, they appeared. I hesitated. I had emotionally let go of buying a second pair. I refused to pursue them at any more distant TJ Maxxes, and decided to leave it to fate what sneakers I’d wear when the first pair wore out. But here I was, faced with the very thing I’d looked for so ardently. And so I bought them. Buying multiples is a frequent strategy for me, being such a picky shopper. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this little splurge. But it does reveal a mild hoarding tendency that I do battle when shopping.

And then my purchases seemed to fuel a little shopping-fever for the next couple of days. I was able to resist, but it’s funny how that rush of dopamine can get addictive so quickly. I hope I can be strong, especially when I’m in Berlin and surrounded by things you can’t get at home.